10 Ways to Spend Your Time After You Quit Lash Extensions
Beauty routines, like other good and sacred things, take time. But how much time should they take? Eyelash extensions, in particular, can eat up a lot of your precious time. Each appointment takes about two hours. That’s 120 minutes. That’s more than 4 episodes of Friends.
Your time is valuable. There are so many other ways you could be spending those minutes of your day than sitting in a chair for your eyelash extensions. We compiled just a few.
Take a Master Class
Master Classes are like lessons and entertainment in one. You get to learn tips and tricks about any subject you want. Creative writing from Margaret Atwood, acting from Natalie Portman, and conservation from Dr. Jane Goodall. You get a personal sit down with some of the most interesting and accomplished people the world has to offer.
Best part? Each individual lesson lasts from 5 to 25 minutes. In those two hours you would have spent in a chair getting eyelash extensions, you can access expert knowledge for your next hobby.
Get into Activism
The world is messy right now. There are so many great causes that can use some attention. Dedicate a couple of hours to figuring out what causes are most important to you. The Internet is a treasure trove of information on how you can help from Black Lives Matter to the environment.
Cook a Fabulous Meal
You know when you’re watching the Food Network and the episode is only 30 minutes but the real prep time is closer to an hour? Spend those couple hours you're saving making a meal worthy of Ina Garten’s kitchen.
Start Learning a New Language
You’ve been saying you were going to do it for years, but you never have the time. The hardest part of learning a new language is starting. Take two full hours to sit with a new language and get started. By the end, you’ll have learned at least a handful of new words - more than you know now!
Do Some Yoga
Yoga is good for the mind, body, and spirit. It also works better if you have a chunk of time to focus your energy. Hop on Youtube and find a free video instructor to follow along. You can spend your time getting healthier and more in touch with yourself.
Catch Up on News (From somewhere else besides Twitter)

Take two intentional hours to sit with the news and catch up with what is going on around the world. It’s been hard to keep up with the global goings-on. Pick a specific place or issue and go see what’s been going on with it lately. You’ll use your time to get informed.
Clean Something You Don’t Clean Regularly (Looking at you, microwave)

You’ve probably been in your home more than you ever thought you would be. Take two hours, pick a room or area of your home, put on a good podcast, and deep clean. Sure, your oven hasn’t been properly cleaned since you moved in. But right now you are using your time wisely to makes sure the next time you cook a Trader Joe’s ready-made meal it’ll be going on clean racks.
Update Your Resume
You never know when you’re going to be looking for a new job. Maybe it’ll be a year from now, a week from now, or tomorrow. The point is that when that time comes, you don’t want your resume to still be boasting your college work as a Snowcone Specialist - at least not in those words. Clean up your resume in any way you see fit. Pick a new template, cut the things that don’t matter, emphasize the things that do.
Organize Your Inbox
If you are a person living in 2020, you may or may not have around 2,000 unread emails in your inbox at any given time. Why? Because, while simple in theory, decluttering an email inbox can take a surprising amount of time. Those two hours you wouldn’t be able to move? Dedicate them to organizing that inbox. It’s freeing.
Read That Book

You know exactly which book we are talking about. It’s been on your shelf for ages, the pages still untouched because every time you think to pick it up you worry about time. This is the gift of two whole hours, crack open That Book, and impress your friends with you bookish ways.
We understand how important beauty routines are. We just think you should also be able to do them without sacrificing all the things listed above for two-hour blocks. ForLash, our eyelash growth serum, only takes a few minutes before bed and doesn’t require appointments every four to six weeks. ForLash helps you grow out your natural lashes so you never have to lose two hours of your life to the chair again.