Beauty Talk

beauty essentials
What Your Makeup Says About You On Your First Date
It's the age-old question: to makeup or not to makeup on a first date? We say, why not both?
The right kind of makeup can send all sorts of signals to your date. Whether you like it or not, first i...

beauty essentials
5 Car Essentials Every Beauty Lover Should Always Have On Hand
There's nothing worse than being caught unprepared when it comes to your beauty routine. Whether you're running late for an important meeting or just wanting to touch up your makeup before a big ni...

beauty essentials
Beauty On The Go: What Skincare Products You Should Never Forget At Home?
There's nothing quite like the feeling of being on vacation. The sun, the sand, the cocktails by the pool... But there's one thing that can ruin a good vacation: forgetting to pack your skincare es...

beauty essentials
The Do's and Don'ts of Bringing Makeup Brushes on Vacation
Makeup brushes are essential to any beauty routine, but they can be a real pain to pack.
On the one hand, it's nice to have your trusty beauty tools with you on vacation. But on the other hand, the...

beauty essentials
In-Flight Beauty Essentials Every Girl Needs To Pack
There's nothing worse than being stuck on a long flight with nothing to do but sit and wait. And if you're not prepared, you'll be stuck feeling dull and unkempt for the duration of the trip.
So wh...