WIN A FREE FORCHICS™ FEG Eyelash Enhance Serum 

Forchics™ is giving away 30 FEG Eyelash Enhance Serum in return for just a 30 to 60-second video review of our FEG Eyelash Enhance Serum

How to join? Easy.

Follow these simple steps below:

1. Record a video review with the following requirements (smartphone or tablet will do!)
* Must be 30-60 seconds long
Mention our company name: Forchics.
Clearly show Your Face and our FEG Eyelash Enhance Serum.
Tell us why you love it.

2. Send us your video (From the same device you've recorded it on)
Use Subject Line: FEG Eyelash Enhance Serum Giveaway Contest
Email to:

Only 30 FEG Eyelash Enhance Serum will be given out this month, so submit your review while the slots are available!


We hope to see your video soon!