ForChics COVID-19 Relief - ForChics

ForChics COVID-19 Relief

Wow - where do we begin? These are certainly weird times, and we hope that you are prioritizing your health - physical AND mental, above all else right now. 


To Our ForChics Family, 


Wow - where do we begin? These are certainly weird times, and we hope that you are prioritizing your health - physical AND mental, above all else right now. 


As a 100% remote team, things are generally business as usual for us. However, we have experienced significantly longer delivery times due to the disruption in supply chains. We are truly sorry for any inconvenience this has caused you. As a company that puts customer experience above all else, these 4-6 week delivery times are less than ideal. 


In any case, we wanted to acknowledge something. Our ForChics family has come out to support us in a way that we have never seen before, and we want to say THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts.


If you didn’t know, last month we decided to do a COVID-19 Relief Campaign for the WHO (World Health Organization). With all the craziness going on in the world, we wanted to do our part. 


ForChics sent out a note to our online family saying, “At ForChics, we believe in using our platform to empower others, so we have decided to donate $1 for every purchase between April 14th-April 30th to the World Health Organization (WHO)”.


Well, the fam came through. We were able to raise $20,408+ for the WHO is just over 2 weeks - an amount that COMPLETELY exceeded our expectations. 



All of you made that happen. 


Seeing everyone rise to the occasion in this trying time made us so proud to have such an amazing online community. The generosity truly overwhelmed us. 


Since the beginning, ForChics has always been about empowering others. Through the products that we create, we wish to give our community all of the tools to accentuate their NATURAL beauty. We want to show you off, not cover you up. And most importantly, we want to empower you to be the best that you can be. 


We’re all hurting right now. But if you’re able to, keep up the positivity. Call your friends up and check on them. Teach Grandma how to Zoom and give her an amazing memory. Take up a daily meditation practice and level-up your self-care routines. We can all get through this if we do so together. 


At ForChics, we absolutely believe that our best and glow-iest days are ahead of us. And they’re ours for the taking. When we come out of quarantine, we will have grown in more ways than one. 


We appreciate your support every single day, but especially now. Thank you, Chics ❤️ 


With gratitude, 

From everyone at ForChics